Caroline Ross - Underhill Roots

30 x 42 cm, washington green ochre watercolour and irongall ink on rag paper, 2020

30 x 42 cm, washington green ochre watercolour and irongall ink on rag paper, 2020


All materials, tools and supports were made by Caroline, except the rag paper which was hand made from linen rags in India.  


Caroline Ross

Caroline is an artist forager living on a boat on a River Thames island. She uses what nature provides and repurposes what humans discard. After the crows have feasted on the riverbank, the empty mussel shells become paint palettes. Moulted flight feathers of local swans and geese become quill pens and brushes. Waste deer-skins provide parchment and hides to paint on, with natural fluctuations suggesting the forms depicted. She makes paints from earth pigments and inks and art tools from natural, wild, and found materials such as oak galls, rusty nails and cherry tree gum. She teaches workshops on drawing as well as how to make wild-crafted art materials.