Louisa Crispin - FlightPath li

22 x 22 cm, graphite on bristol, 2019

22 x 22 cm, graphite on bristol, 2019


Exploring the medium of graphite whilst still representing Louisa’s interest in the intricacy of flora and fauna, the FlightPath collection is the result of a large wasp nest in her house. 
Working with a mix of powder and pencils, erasing, frottage and embossing until the right balance of light and dark remains, images which draw you closer to discover the delicacy of insects. 

Wasps are an important part of our ecosystem: eating greenfly larva and dead insects, they are also great pollinators. Sadly their teenage tantrums in summer have given them bad press. Look closer - they are exquisitely put together.


Louisa Crispin 

Louisa becomes lost in a world of intricate observations from nature, entranced by the cycle of growth and decay. She looks ever closer at plants, insects and birds. Delicately capturing the textures, shadows, silhouettes and movements created with marks and tone, using ultra sharp pencils and graphite powder on Strathmore paper. Louisa is an active member of various arts and botanical societies.