Louisa Burnett Hall - Contre-courants

40 x 40 cm, acrylic on canvas (oil borders), 2018

40 x 40 cm, acrylic on canvas (oil borders), 2018


Louisa reads the river like a story in time, the composition is like that of a still from a film, with the borders forming banks to the river’s flow. The counter-currents create surface writings, skimming over the movements of the strong fluctuating depths below.


Louisa Burnett-Hall

Louisa focuses on the theme of water in her paintings and drawings. Running water is studied in different locations and countries, as a source of visual meditations, tracing abstract lines in nature. Within this she explores various lines of enquiry: perception of visible and invisible; passing time and the ephemeral; running water with its reflected environment; and water’s vital importance as part of the global environment. She considers the creation of her artworks to be poetic acts. She lives and works in Paris, France. She graduated with an MA in Fine Art from Edinburgh University and a PGCE in Art and Design from London University.