Trish Lock - Hornbeams

56 x 42 cm, conté and graphite on grafix, 2020 

56 x 42 cm, conté and graphite on grafix, 2020


Trish Lock 

Trish’s work considers the fragility of life and our responsibility, as guardians of our world, to protect it. She often spends time in the woods, finding this to be a humbling and meditative experience, which awakens the senses, and removes the stress of time. It’s also where she studies and learns about the anatomy of veteran and ancient trees and revisits at different times of the year with her sketchbook.  She presents trees as symbols of survival and hope. Her practice spans drawing, photography and performance. She grew up in the East End of London, settling in the West Country after studying Fine Art and Creative Studies in English, at Bath Spa University.